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28 Places to promote online

So just so people know, I pretty much cut and pasted this from the post at Some good things on the Internet have a tendency to walk away or become membership based or charged for, and I wanted to make sure that this list stayed in a place were I could access it easily. SO MUCH thanks go out to for creating the following list of 28 great News Submission Sites (otherwise known as free places to promote online).

1.Digg - Launched in Dec 2004 by former TechTV host, Kevin Rose, digg has emerged as one of the super-traffic communities on the web, allowing the community to decide what's newsworthy and what isn't.

2. SpymySpyMy is an idea conceived by a self-confessed geek who is tired with the state of existing news aggregators in South East Asia. It is based around the model of Digg, where users choose what is to be promoted, effectively defining what is popular without ANY influence of editors or administrators.

3.Flogz - Flogz is a well-functioning personal finance and investing community site where users submit links to stories and vote for which ones should be promoted to the main page, much the same as

4.FarkDrew Curtis developed a site called Fark in 1999 where he used to share some weird news with his friends. Today it is so famous that it gets nearly 400 million hits a day… displays the highest rated links from our users right on the front page. When you come to aworldofhelp you see the most recent and highest rated links in many different categories.

6.SlashdotI don't think I need to give any intro for this site... This is big brother of all sites those are driven by the user community…

7.DigstockDigStock is a financial website that provides investors access to major financial news as well as user-submitted stories.

8. i-am-boredThis is a list of sites we think will help to cure your boredom. New sites are added several times a day, so check back often.

9.MetafilterMetafilter is a weblog that anyone can contribute a link or a comment to. A typical weblog is one person posting their thoughts on the unique things they find on the web. This website exists to break down the barriers between people, to extend a weblog byond just one person, and to fster discussion among its members.

10.RedditA source for what’s new and popular on the web — personalized for you. We want to democratize the traditional model by giving editorial control to the people who use the site, not those who run it. Your votes train a filter, so let reddit know what you liked and disliked, because you’ll begin to be recommended links filtered to your tastes. All of the content on reddit is from users who are rewarded for good submissions (and punished for bad ones) by their peers; you decide what appears on your front page and which submissions rise to fame or fall into obscurity.

11.NewsvineAt Newsvine, you can read stories from established media organizations like the Associated Press as well as individual contributors from all around the world. Placement of stories is determined by a multitude of factors including freshness, popularity, and reputation. Contribution is open to all, and editorial judgement is in the hands of the community.

12.BoingboingA directory of wonderful things and also the top rated blog in the blogosphere according to technorati.

13. IsnareiSNARE is a free Articles Directory. is social bookmarking for the missional/emerging church movement and the inbreaking kingdom of God.

15.HypersuperThis is another digg like site but not limited to technology alone.

16.Viralcow - Viral Cow is a free, online application. You understand and agree that the Service is provided on an AS IS and AS AVAILABLE basis. Viral Cow disclaims all responsibility and liability for the availability, timeliness,security or reliability of the Service. Viral Cow also reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue the Service with or without notice at any time and without any liability to you.

17.Commontimes - CommonTimes is an interactive news site where you select the top stories and share your views about the day’s events. Don’t just read the news, talk about it with other readers. Create your own news channel. Comment on stories. Follow your favorite topics. Blog about the news. At CommonTimes, you are the editor.

18.Blinklist - BlinkList is based on the principle of the wisdom of crowds so it is a great engine to help you discover information from people that share a similar passion and interest as you.

19.Web-feedsUsers moderate and decide which items make it to the home page, only rules being no links to adult related or illegal activity sites.  Organizing what we read according to who wrote it is not the best way to  gather information, at Web Feeds you can read items based on Topic Relevence.

20.Shoutwire - Similar to digg, Every story on the site that makes it to the front page is due to the users of the site promoting the stories. Shoutwire incorporates a system of self-moderation and management which allows the community to remove bad or broken content.

21.Bibilog – This site is for videos, games, funny links and other things that you think are cool. Quite impressive.  Great site for videos.  Nice user interface.

22.Tech-recipes-Originally developed as a computer cookbook, tech-recipes was brought online in October of 2003. Hundreds of thousands of visitors have received help from the over one thousand step-by-step tutorials found on the site. large community of over two thousand users that have registered through the site.

24.News Bump – General news from the UK, USA, and Australia

25.Staralicious – News about Hollywood and the Stars. This site has attracted an active following and has some nice articles on it. Good format and generally easy to use.

26. Scooop – General news site that also includes polls and surveys.

27.Bringr - Website for women to bring stories that interest them inorder to share them with other women. Our front page is made up of the most popular brings. What our users like and bring will decide what Bringr's content is. - Social bookmarking site

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