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A question about Oldenburg

Six years ago, I studied in Oldenburg, Germany, as an exchange student. I still, from time to time, get people asking me questions about the time that I spent in Germany.

Here is one question that I got today, and my answer to it.

My daughter, Hannah, decided to follow her Masters Program at Univ. of Illinois with a year as an Au Pair in a small town outside Oldenburg. She is finding the constant companionship of a fine German two year old not totally fulfilling. Any suggestions on how she might get 'in the mix' with UNC Foreign Study students, etc. at Oldenburg. Thanks for your thoughts.

It has been a full six years since I have been in Oldenburg, but the places we used to frequent were the ice cream shop near the Lambertikirche, Schmizz (a club), Yannik's Kebab House (at Julius Mosenplatz), and Wallstrasse.

Actually, if the Fruhlingssause (on Wallstrasse) still takes place, it should be coming up in a few weeks... it is a big street party that takes place a couple of nights in a row. It was like $15, all you could eat (and drink), and was quite the fun event.

Most of the UNC students live either in Hermann Ehler's house or Huntemannstrasse (both dorm buildings), so she could go there and see who she meets

She could always go to the Universitaetszentrum, which is on Ammerlaender Heerstrasse (see map below), and see what events are posted on the bulletin boards there.

There is usually something interesting going on (plays, parties, concerts, etc.)... and they are usually in the fliers which are posted all around in the central university buildings. She also may run into some English speakers if she goes there around lunch time...

Alternatively, when she is in the Universitaetszentrum, she could ask someone where the Austauschstudentensamt (I love how Germans can just stick lots of words together and make a new word - exchange student's office) is (It might also go by the name auslandsamt), and talk with them about the orientation meetings that will be happening for foreign students in the next few weeks... maybe she will get invited to come along? If Catrin Gahn still works there, she is a VERY nice lady and should be very helpful for your daughter.

The Spring/Summer semester doesn't really start until April 1, so she may have to wait a bit... but your daughter's timing really couldn't be better, because now is when everyone is coming (back) for the upcoming semester, making new friends, etc.

Alternatively, she could email/call Pete Kastner at UNC. He is sometimes slow at getting back to emails (or used to be anyway), but always knows the answers to questions like these.
Phone: (970) 351-3417
E-mail: pete.kastner at

People are generally friendly in Oldenburg, particularly if she knows/attempts to speak some German.

Hope that is helpful!

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