Digital Paint Brush
Download the high resolution video (MPEG) at the bottom of this page if you get a chance. Very cool stuff.
Download the high resolution video (MPEG) at the bottom of this page if you get a chance. Very cool stuff.
So here are the 1-800 numbers for getting support from some very large companies.
It's difficult to say if they're in India or the U.S., but this is a good place to start. 800 number, 800 number, 800 number, 800 number, 800 number.
Where did I get these phone numbers? From a nifty little web site called
Hope it's helpful!
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I don't know if this is everyone's batch of humor, but I thought this site was very funny! It's all the things a guy finds annoying about his girlfriend.
There is no doubt that a great many posts will appear on this blog as a result of my attendance at the World Internet Summit this past weekend. It was truly PHENOMENAL!
For now though, here's a picture of myself with Sterling Valentine signing a water bottle for me. More will come soon on both why he was signing a water bottle, as well as what was so great about meeting Sterling Valentine himself
Dave Taylor has rapidly become one of my favorite Internet "gurus". Dave Taylor's approach to keeping Google coming to your web site, and keeping your content exciting for search engines, makes SO MUCH SENSE!
Take a look at this video from Affiliate Summit 2006 in Orlando.
Mike Litman has an email audio called "The 2 Common Characteristics All Internet Millionaires Have In Common"
While it initially takes a minute to get used to Mike Litman's New York Accent, his words are important. Mike Litman has impacted me in many ways, and I think this audio offers some little nuggets that people would do well to learn and apply on a regular basis (myself included).
NOTE: It may take a minute or two to begin playing.
You can enjoy it here.
I first saw MXC / Takeshi's Castle when I was an exchange student in Germany.
I love Takeshi's Castle.
DId I mention I love Takeshi's Castle? Dumb humor for when you just need to take a break. I was thrilled to find MXC on YouTube.
And it turns out that SpikeTV is actually the group that posted it on YouTube. Wish more organizations were progressive.
Water powered engines. Could this be possible?
The Free Hugs Campaign is really inspiring! Have you given out your free hugs today?
If you can't play the drums, or the piano, or any instrument for that matter, you could always get good at video editing. That's what this guy did.
Really awesome video!
Thanks for sending this Adam!
Apparently Charlie Brown is doing something a little more "modern" for Christmas this year.
Continue reading "Charlie Brown - The New Christmas Special" »
It's neat to see what people can do with their creativity.
These photos are taken with a high resolution camera, and turned into something that is just simply amazing: Liquid Art
This is still, quite possibly the best, but at least, an awesome video of what happens when Christmas lights meet free time, and a limitless electricity bill.
Can you imagine being a neighbor of his?
Awesome Christmas light display.
This post is set up here on SPECIFICALLY for the people who have read the ThreeMoneyMethods reports and taken ACTION!
Happy New Year 2007 to everyone!
I loved the first Animator vs. Animation, so I am SUPER GLAD that this was created!
This stuff takes so much time, and Alan Becker deserves all the credit he's getting from all the work he put in (and if he's married, his wife deserves extra credit for all the time that Alan must have spent, sitting in front of the computer, making this animation work.)
Impressed would be an understatement. This video has a lot to say from a lot of different perspectives. I really like that the professor who produced this video has taken a philosophical approach to web 2.0
Continue reading "This is an Awesome Video (and Talk) on Web 2.0" »
I love this movie.
I have seen it several times, and it really summarizes what I have generally accepted in my life to be true.
Take a look and watch it for yourself.
Please feel free to leave your comments below.
What The Bleep Do We Know
This is pretty crazy stuff. Really reminds me of Minority Report. Basically what the Eon TOuchlight allows you to do is maniuplate an object with your hands, creating the perception of three dimensional reality.
Don't get what I'm talking about? Watch the video about the Eon Touch Light below.
People really amaze me. Look at the fame this guy has created for himself around a truly unique talent! AWESOME!
Really cool to watch a guy beatbox a flute with some clear and serious skills.
Here he is beatboxing to the Super Mario Brothers theme (again on his flute).
Here he is beatboxing to the Sesame Street theme. This dude rocks!
Continue reading "Beatboxing a Flute with Axel F and Inspector Gadget: Greg Patiillo" »
The outtakes and things that I didn't use in my audition video for Enjoy!
Continue reading "OUTTAKES from audition video" »
I have always been facinated by sleep, and this article from Parade Magazine provides for some interesting reading and gives a few good tips on the subject. If you are really interested in learning more about recognizing your dreams, you might look up lucid dreaming.
Here's an open secret: Dreaming isn't really about sleeping; it's about waking up. Dreams wake us up to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. They can tell us what we need to know and alert us to actions we need to take.
Continue reading "A great article on Sleep and taking Steps Towards Dreams" »
A pretty cool magic act with pigeons put on by a kid auditioning for a American Idol type show. Really cool act.
Here's what I learned yesterday...
For the longest time, I have wanted to know how to make a graphic look like a book cover. I've always hired this kind of work out and spent anywhere from $50-$200 each time I've had it done.
I don't mind paying for it, especially when the quality is good, but when I get back an ebook cover that looks junky, it has made me wonder if I should just learn how to make ebook covers myself.
Well, I had occasion to do so yesterday.
Jackie Harsha (a member on our GreenJoyment site) wrote an ebook (and print book) about how to cook using solar cooking.
It's a great idea, and something we've been doing with GreenJoyment for a while now (making solar cookers and cooking with the sun), so it's a natural fit to be selling Jackie's book through our site.
But Jackie didn't have an affiliate program, or any way to track the traffic we were sending her.
My friend and mentor Mark Widawer introduced me to Seth Godin. I'm forever grateful to Mark for doing so.
In case you don't know, Seth Godin is a marketing genius, and someone whose ideas and principles you might want to take some time to learn if you're at all interested in the power of influencing others and becoming someone whom others follow.
One of his more recent posts is quite interesting, sent to me by my friend Patrick Shaw.
It starts like this:
I posted about an alternative MBA program that I was going to launch. Unaccredited, residential, free and six months long. A new way to learn about a new way of doing business.We're almost done, and it has exceeded every expectation I had for it, and I think there are some broader lessons worth sharing.
Continue reading about it at Seth's blog.
Problem: Your Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) won't open any links in a new window or a new tab.
This means that all links from an email account (like Hotmail, Gmail, or Yahoo) simply don't open. In some cases, the links may open the tab, but then nothing happens (the screen loads blank or with a white page), or the links simply don't open the tab or window at all.
Solution: After working on getting tabs to open by turning off add-ons, and about 100 other suggestions from people all over the Internet, my dad and I found the code below (on this post written by someone named Kai) and it worked. IE 8 now WILL open new tabs and new windows on my parent's computer, where it wouldn't open new tabs and new windows before we applied this fix.
As that post was a little sparse on instructions (for people who may not know about programs like Notepad), I took the instructions and added some screenshots so that anyone can use this excellent code Kai has written.
The code appears to be 100% fine, although we did get a little error message when running it, but no problems with the computer since.
I can't guarantee this will help you open new tabs or windows in Internet Explorer 8, but we seriously tried about 100 other suggestions before finding this one that finally worked.
Why Microsoft hasn't come up with this solution is beyond me as it appears plenty of people are having this problem.
If this lets you open new tabs/new windows in Internet Explorer 8 (running Windows 7 as an operating system (OS)), please post a comment below so others will know that this works.
Continue reading "Internet Explorer 8 Won't Open Links In New Window Or New Tab" »
When people email me out of the blue, sometimes the conversation gets longer and I end up sharing some content that I think is good and helpful for others.
So, this is an email conversation between myself and Stojaco, someone I've just met through I don't know how he came to that site, but I hope you find some helpful advice in the conversation as well.
Hi, Here are my "comments"...unfortunately I did not receive(read) the report because "the pc, doesn't have" aproproate program and can not translate thetext (the report)!,I am asking,do you have a videos(maybe this is idea for better marketing-marketing tool, ha-ha), or some fresh and quickest way to make money,($1000 montly will be good),(no offense,,,for the report,because I haven't saw-read it).Thank you. I am expecting your reply,as you said you am not flatering you but I noticed that you are a good(Honest) guy,(which is very very rare when it comes to a "internet marketer") and I wish to tell you that I am a complete beginer to online merketing but I've noticed while I was looking for a way to make money online that with this one like you are doing (waiting for reply) you are making the same time (something-kind) like research and that is a sign to a honest in depth marketer,waitig for reply and maybe future cooperation.thank you.
Continue reading "Bring Value: A Conversation With a New Marketer" »
Mark: "Do you like working where you're working or is it pretty much boring as hell?"
Jonathan: "I like working where I'm working, but yah, it's pretty much boring."
That was the conversation I had some time ago with my friend Mark.
Most people go into business thinking that they will avoid the "boring as hell" stuff that they have to do in their job.
But you know what I've discovered? In business, there's plenty of boring-as-hell stuff to do as well.
And if you don't do the boring stuff that your business requires (or at least hire someone to do the boring stuff that your business requires), then chances are good that your business won't succeed, and you'll be back to doing the boring stuff for someone else.
Business is more work than a job. Having and running business takes more initiative and drive than having a typical job.
But I'd much rather do boring things that I know are going to benefit me, as opposed to boring things that I know will benefit someone else in exchange for a paycheck.
That's not very optimistic, and... to be clear... not all business stuff is boring.
You should go into a business you are passionate about.
But know that there will be boring things that you just have to get done in order to get where you want to go with your business.
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